Saturday, July 18, 2009

Guess What?!

We're pregnant! The baby is due in March, I am only 4 weeks and I know that it is still early but I am just too excited to keep this information to myself.

Johnnie, Veronica, Dakota and Logan


Dave said...

Very cool! We are excited for you both!

Sarah Rock said...

Yeah!!! I am sitting here crying from another mother's blog because her baby went to 1st grade today, and then I start reading your blog and I can't help it. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love you

Rachel Gilsen said...

Wahooo!!! How exciting! Let's secretly cross our fingers for a girl! Although, you make pretty cute boys too! :)

Crystal said...

We just got back from Vacation and I this is BLOWING MY MIND! I am so ecstatic! What a great blessing! Tell John there is no need to be day at a time right.

Derek and Emily said...

There are two sites that have different Nudger T-shirts. or

If you google Nudger Maternity shirts different things should come up!
