Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary/Birthday Johnnie

I should of posted this yesterday but I was a little busy. It has been an amazing 2 years of wedded bliss. The road hasn't always been smooth but our love for each other continues to grow and that is what really counts. Johnnie turned 30 so we are officially out of our 20's. We surprised him with a cake and the kids tried to smash his face but we just couldn't do it...he is just to fast...maybe next year when he is a little older =)


Crystal said...

WOW Johnnie! The BIG 30! Your lucky you only look 26...Hope it was a great birthday! We love you!

Unknown said...

Happy B-Day, Johnnie!...Wait...I guess since you are so old now I have to call you John, huh? Wow! 30! That's crazy because that means that I'll be 30 next year! Hope you had a good one! Love you and miss you!

Dave said...